
All The Love, All The Power

I have just achieved a pivotal milestone in my life.

But this post is not about me, it’s about those other than myself that made all this possible….

You see, I fell in love on my Master Module. 

I don’t mean superficial lust or desire but deep, deep, emotional, connected kinda love.

And not just with one person, with many. So I’m going to start by embarrassing some of them that made this journey such a fucking blast.

Michelle – All The Love

Something inside me just glowed when she was around. With just a nod in your direction you knew she was about to introduce you to the world, yet it wasn’t scary, it was empowering. She was there to support you if you stumbled and there to hold your hands high in victory.

“Sit at the front and volunteer for everything.” She told me…I don’t think she thought I’d take it so literally….I put my hand up for absolutely everything. But being the great leader she was, she knew she had to give others in the group a chance.

She lead us in song. Stepped out of her comfort zone surrounded by 70 eager little puppies. 

I felt her that day, more than most, I saw myself in her and realized I am on my own journey and am much more capable than I realized before this event.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Michelle. 

I love you and I hope one day I have the opportunity to work alongside you. 

Until then I will “trust in Allah…but tether my camel”.

Gitte – All The Power

She was full to bursting with sparkle and energy.

It was infectious when she was in the room.

She was first on stage to dance and raise the energy in the room, always eager to share her experiences, her ideas and how we could take them and reinterpret them.

She told a story about lemons to explain the mindset…it was so beautifully simple that it stayed with me.

If you take a look at my whm highlights on insta, you’ll see my interpretation.  

I was stood on the beach in Altea.

I took a photo and thought, I can hear the sea pushing those pebbles around, smell the salt in the air, feel the breeze coming inland …all from that picture…the power of the mind is huge and Gitte taught me how to communicate that simply.

Thank you dear Gitte you are a special lady.

I love you and if ever you want to team up just holler in my direction.

Dom – All The Love

Oh wow what can you say about Dom?

He is like the brother you have never had.

Always popping up mid convo with gems of advice.

He whipped us up into a frenzy when we’re covered in mud and freekin’ freezing, until we were effortlessly releasing our inner warrior to the world.

Nothing was too much trouble for Dom.

He would hold your hand metaphorically while pushing you outside your comfort zone.

And hug you tightly, physically, when you found the comfort within.

I wasn’t in your group, Dom, but you were still an inspiration on how to love myself.

And this, my friend, is a fucking massive mountain I just climbed.

Therefore I love you for it too…I believe!

Laura & Mahdi – All The Power

I didn’t get much opportunity to spend time with you guys, but I’ll say this… I wish I had.

I had a few moments with Mahdi, he checked on my health when I arrived and recognized how happy I was when there was breakfast before we left on the last day.

Small, simple things, but he noticed and took time to check in with me…thank you Mahdi, priceless.

I bumped into Laura when coming back from a lunchtime stroll by myself. What instantly struck me was how present she was, how attentive and interested in my ideas.

That’s skill right there.

Her breathwork was powerful, with snippets of her father’s influence. Her voice echoed around the room drawing you into the journey she was taking you on.

I will take this story/journey influence into my own practice and develop further from where I started so thank you Laura.

Love you both!

Daniel – All The Love

They say never meet your heroes as they often disappoint and I tend to agree with that.

I think the best way to meet heroes is to be oblivious of them until they emerge.

Then you choose them on their interaction with you, not for something you think they are.

You see Daniel has something very special in his huge box of tricks. 

Before I met the man, I met his voice, in a breathing session during a training webinar.

It blew me away, but I had no illusions about the man behind that voice…and then I met him.

He had a presence on stage from years of professional public speaking. He had a strength to take control and hold it all together, keeping things moving forward like a well oiled machine.

Yet he was so so humble and able to show his emotion to the world.

This alone is no mean feat. I mean read those words again…presence, humility, strength and emotion. It is difficult to explain how important, how simple, but how truly complete that makes someone.

And then he lead us in 5 or 6 rounds of breathwork, he played music during the session and Mike even played his trumpet live during this…and yet I heard nothing…sorry Mike!

All I heard throughout the session was the voice I fell in love with, weeks earlier. Daniel you need to bottle that and trademark it, it’s beyond special.

I think it will be a long time until our paths cross again but for once I’ll happily be wrong.

Thank you for the support, the recognition, the hugs, the nods of approval, the eye contact and the dad dancing. 

Never stop talking Daniel, I’m listening …and I love you.

Myself – All The Power

Last but not least. Know this, if ever you come on one of my workshops you will be loved and held in a space that makes you feel loved.

Until I attended this event I was super self critical, it was my coping mechanism, my humor to deflect the ‘truth’ as I saw it.

I had worked hard for 7 months absorbing facts and knowledge. I wasn’t worried about that.

I put together our Week 2 Whatsapp group and tried to help as many people as I could before we met.

I didn’t think anything of it, just wanted to share what I’d learned.

I was terrified though that ‘they’ would think I was too old, too fat, too boring to be a real part of their tribe.

Even though I’d worked hard on my fitness, lost 15kgs (now 17kgs)…this still wasn’t enough for me. 

Then I arrived.

I walked into a bar full of strangers who instantly called out my name and treated me like a minor celebrity.

I was approached for advice throughout the week outside of my own group. I was thanked by people I’d hardly had chance to converse with throughout the week. 

It made me realize that others don’t see what I see and that I need to love myself like others do and give myself credit for being amazing even when I don’t realize I’m doing it….because being amazing comes easily…owning it is gonna take some more work but nothing big happens instantly.

This year for me is all about 3 Cs:




It took a lot of courage to show up and perform at my masters. 

My old self-limiting beliefs were weighing heavily on my shoulders, not to mention the random cough I acquired just before I arrived…but I put my big girl pants on, dosed myself up on meds and did what I came to do.

I now have a community of like-minded individuals that share my passion for the method and the nature around us, too many to name here but you know who you are and I am sure I will lean on this community many times in the foreseeable future. Love you guys!

So now to start working on my collaborations for 2023…hit me up if you think we might make a good team.

All the love all the power. I believe!

While walking through a dark forest the boy says to the horse, “I can’t see a way through”. The horse responds, “Look down, can you see your next step? Then just take that!”

The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse – Charlie Mackesy

Next: Becoming a Wim Hof Instructor


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